

Jun 29, 2023

Chile’s 10 biggest pre

Energy storage rumblings are growing louder in Chile.

The number of projects with storage components entering the environmental review system is increasing as stakeholders, particularly engineers working on project economics, wait for more regulations, covering areas such as payments for services.

Nonetheless, some pioneering, small-scale schemes have already come online.

Against a backdrop of grid congestion, some solar oversupply and the prospect of favorable injection prices during non-solar hours and remuneration for other functions, PMGD distributed generation and utility-scale project developers alike are alert to the opportunities of storage projects. Large standalone storage initiatives are also being considered.

Secondary legislation governing a 2022 energy storage law is due this year, while an energy transition bill, also expected to be submitted before year-end, is likely to encompass storage-related rules.

ALSO READ: Chile solar developer shares thoughts on new supply auction rules, energy storage ALSO READ: The Chile clean energy project pipeline of AES Andes

Acknowledging the role of storage in supporting the country's decarbonization drive by tackling the likes of power curtailment, the government recently announced plans for a storage project in the Atacama desert with a price tag of US$2bn.

An associated bill is due to be submitted this year, with a goal of launching an auction in 2024 and bringing systems online by the end of 2026, according to officials. Local renewables and storage association Acera, which has been calling for measures to mitigate grid congestion fallout on the finances of its members, branded the government's move a "promising step."

In a related measure, draft rules for an upcoming supply auction offer incentives for provision of storage capacity. Elsewhere on the project map, a US$200mn transmission system-based storage project, to control power flow, is being auctioned.

Chile's four biggest generators have formed the vanguard. Colbún has built an 8MW system at its 230MW solar farm Diego de Almagro Sur. Engie Chile is building 139MW of storage capacity at its 180MW Coya solar PV farm, the company's biggest renewables plant, while Enel's La Cabaña project (106MW wind, 34MW) is in the construction phase. AES Andes, meanwhile, is expanding a 10MW pilot system at its Alfalfal hydropower unit by 40MW, and expansions of its Andes Solar hub include storage systems of 112MW and 147MW, respectively.

Multiple projects from both Chile's big boys and smaller players are in the environmental review system. In terms of non-battery technology, a 50MW liquid air plant has been given the environmental green light and a 560MW molten salt initiative is under evaluation.


No. 1

The biggest in the pipeline belongs to generator AES Andes and is planned for Taltal district in Antofagasta region.

Dubbed the Pampas hybrid park (under evaluation), the proposed US$800mn complex would comprise 140MW of wind and 252MWp PV solar capacity coupled to a 624MW battery storage facility that could provide power for up to five hours.

No. 2

The second biggest is US$750mn Parque Terra Energía Renovable (approved 4 May 2023, pre-construction), belonging to AES Andes.

The project, planned for Antofagasta region, involves a 350MW wind park, a 513MW solar farm and two battery storage systems.

No. 3

AES Andes has also submitted the US$710mn hybrid project Cristales (under evaluation), planned for Antofagasta region.

The proposed complex comprises 379MW of solar PV capacity and 542MW of battery storage capacity.

No. 4

Generator Engie owns the fourth-biggest project, US$645mn Pampa Fidelia (under evaluation).

The proposed 337MW Antofagasta region wind farm considers a battery storage system.

No. 5

Generator EDF Renewables’ US$624mn Wayra wind project (under evaluation), planned for Antofagasta region, involves 416MW of wind capacity, 198MW of solar and a battery storage system.

No. 6

The Pauna solar PV project (approved 25 March 2022, pre-construction) planned for Antofagasta region, comprises 671MW of generation capacity. The US$496mn project, planned by Statkraft, considers a 4-hour duration battery system comprising 1,152 container modules deployed across a 44,177m2 site, according to documents filed with environmental review service SEA.

No. 7

A US$480mn project (approved 18 November, 2022, pre-construction) submitted by Generadora Metropolitana, involves changes to its previously approved 110MW Sol del Loa solar PV project, planned for Antofagasta region. The modifications include ramping up capacity to 640MW in two stages and incorporating a battery storage system, according to permitting documents.

No. 8

Colbún's US$450mn Celda (under evaluation) comprises a 420MW solar park-240MW battery storage complex and is planned for far north Arica y Parinacota region.

No. 9

AES Andes also has the US$450mn molten-salt energy storage project, dubbed Alba (under evaluation), and planned for its Angamos thermoelectric complex in Antofagasta region, which is being retired in phases. Alba involves heating salts using electricity from renewable sources. Energy would then be used to generate steam to reach a capacity of around 560MW with both units operating. Power would be injected at peak demand periods.

No. 10

Developer Sphera Energy has 420MW solar PV park Sol de Caone (under evaluation), planned for Maule region. The US$420mn project considers an 80MW storage facility, involving 94 battery units.

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ALSO READ: Chile solar developer shares thoughts on new supply auction rules, energy storage ALSO READ: The Chile clean energy project pipeline of AES Andes CHILE’S TOP 10 BIGGEST ENERGY STORAGE (HYBRID AND STANDALONE) PROJECTS BY PRICE TAG No. 1 under evaluation No. 2 approved 4 May 2023, pre-construction No. 3 (under evaluation) No. 4 (under evaluation). No. 5 (under evaluation) No. 6 (approved 25 March 2022, pre-construction) No. 7 (approved 18 November, 2022, pre-construction) No. 8 (under evaluation) No. 9 under evaluation No. 10 (under evaluation) Project: Current stage: Updated: Project: Current stage: Updated: Project: Current stage: Updated: Project: Current stage: Updated: Project: Current stage: Updated: Project: Current stage: Updated: Project: Current stage: Updated: Project: Current stage: Updated: Project: Current stage: Updated: Project: Current stage: Updated: Company: Company: Company: Company: Company: Company: Company: Company: Company: Company: